Many successful businesses have a global outlook and having international reach is critical.
UNW is able to provide this through our membership of BKR International, a top 10 global accounting association. It represents the combined strength of 160 independent accounting and business advisory firms with over 500 offices in 80 countries.
It is the mission of BKR International to assist its independent members, helping them grow and strengthen their practices by providing resources on an international scale to service them, their clients and potential clients, as well as providing the tools and services to assist in a firms practices and promotions to improve their business.
Member firms like UNW are selected for their local influence, technical ability, expertise, and international capability. As a BKR Company, we must not only adhere to their local regulatory accreditation, but also meet higher global standards of ethical and professional excellence.
Membership of this association requires UNW to deliver high quality expertise and be dedicated to continuous improvement.
As part of a global team, through our membership, our accountants can assist with virtually any business needs, including
- Obtaining assurance, tax and general business knowledge from experienced professionals worldwide;
- Assessing business opportunities in foreign markets;
- Expanding operations or making acquisitions around the world;
- Identifying potential business partners worldwide; and
- Eliminating barriers of language and commercial customs.