Welcome to our summer bulletin… although you wouldn’t think so from some of the weather recently!
In this edition, we lead with an interview with Mark Brassell, Chief Executive of The Alnwick Garden, talking about the challenges of taking Lilidorei from concept to reality, as part of a vision to make the Garden a year-round destination and solidify its income streams into the future. We are going to follow that up with an in-person event with Mark and his team in September, so if you have burning questions for him then put the date in the diary! This marks the beginning of a new set of events we’ve been working on recently, all on the theme of ‘Planning for the Future’. Following the event with Mark, we will look to host a session to coincide with the publication of the new SORP later in the year.
Into 2025, we will move onto sustainability – measuring and reporting – and the challenges that brings in small organisations, and then on to digitalisation and how smaller organisations can embrace the ever-changing digital landscape to improve either internal functions, fundraising or service delivery and engagement.
I look forward to seeing at least some of you at the first event in Autumn and in the meantime, everything crossed for some actual summer weather in between!
▶ Click here to download our latest Charity Bulletin (PDF 2.71MB)